Feb 9, 2012

DND: I am reading

So our seats are next to each other on this flight. You and I. Strangers. When you see me curling up to my window seat with a book on my nose, I was not pretending to read, nor avoiding a contact with anyone or acting rude. I am reading. Every.single.word. 
I am accentuating every single notation in the book I carefully chose to be my companion during the flight.

So, yes... A polite nod and a smile should suffice. I did give you that. But we don't have to get to know each others' dreams and status and the last movie we saw . I am not obliged to explain about my tan and you can go through all the pages in that Men magazine without being cautious that I will jump in and make a stupid question. I am bestowing you a space. A luxury of silence. Take privilege in it.

I am on the last 2 chapters with this book now. I can be left alone and trust me, you need it just as much. 
Let's spare ourselves form the awkwardness of ice-breaking and I trust that you can enjoy the flight too. 
from Maika

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