Sep 29, 2011

Hello Bintang (s)!

Introducing you; the newly born Sumatran Tigers in Medan, North Sumatra zoo!: Bintang Hariara, Bintang Baringin, and Bintang Sorik Marapi. I am one true Sumatran lady and I got to tell you, those names are typical Sumatrans name for a person. Especially Bintang , which means Star in English. I have cousins and Sumatran relatives by the name Bintang. A name I personally found enchanting yet vibrant at the same time. The three cubs here bestowed with that name, and the fact of them being a Sumatran tiger make me swell :) Cute aight?

Find out more about the critically endangered beautiful Panthera tigris sumatrae on WWF  :)


Sep 28, 2011

IMO Update : Top Post!

Been on IMO The Jakarta Post for almost a month now. Two of my posts got selected as the " Top post" :  Single in your 30s and Veggie or Fruity are taking place on top of the homepage, published as their headline in the looping banner! I got numerous mentions on twitter from the readers saying how inspiring the post is, ( ahem, especially the one about living as a single woman)
Thank you thank you thank you!

Veggie or Fruity
Single in your 30s

Sep 27, 2011

Sexy brains

Hell yes!
Read and Write

Being single in my 30s

I am in my 30s and living as a single woman.
Here's a few secret you may not know about a woman like me.
Prepare to be blown away, or might as well stop reading this if you don't feel like it. Yes, I live alone in my little loft. It does not mean that I am living in despair. It just means that I have had my shot in the past and now still looking for better ones for me to orchestrate. I am seeking for  new experiences to explore. If it takes a few moments of being content with my self as a start , it is alright. I am happy with it. Maybe this is a phase. Maybe this is just a pause. But I know, this is not my final destination. Tho even if it is, I know I am in no rush to justify.

So, I have a dude as an assistant. It does not mean that I am a work freak- crazy dragon lady walking in heels, owning no other life and able to eat you alive. 
It does not mean that I am the type of a woman who can easily make a girl assistant cry, it does not mean that I am taking pleasure by telling men what to do, let them do errands for me, or reading me my agenda for the day. And by the way, I wear flats at work.
Having a dude as an assistant does not mean that I am in thirsts for being superior towards men. It just means that I honor the big heart of that particular man- to be willing to work and learning together with a woman. A woman of imperfection like me.

I am a Ms. - to this day. Every invitations, bank statements and letters I received still states my last name from my late father and truth is, I love it. I am a Ms. and it does not mean that my identity is incomplete. Because I have learned that, being a Mrs. may not guarantee you the best of whatever this universe can carry. It has nothing to do with your title, nor your last name. But it is, to heart.
I do casual dating only because I want to. Not because I am in desperate need to settle down. Because, news flash; settling down does not merely mean that you have to tie the knot and breed away. To my imperfect understanding, settling down is being secure and content with all you have. Never having a slight twirls of "What if... "
I am settled.

If my pay check is reaching a certain digit it makes your eyes roll, it does not mean that I am considering work as the center of my life. It just means that I am lucky to have found a place that appreciates my skill, and that my great creator is using me as a channel to be a blessing to the people I love. If as a single, I can fulfill the needs of the people I love, is it too stupid if I expect I should still be able to do the same when I am in a relationship? 

My womb had never carried a baby to its full term. It does not mean that I am a less of a woman than you are. I suffered a lost you may never bear. And I hope you never will. However, instead of being bitter, I embrace the truth that it may not be the time for me just yet. I am grateful with the fact that it does not stop the love of a motherhood to burst out of me and it does not disable me from showering that to people in need. Motherhood is not limited to giving birth to your own flesh and blood. Be thankful if you have that luxury, but look around you; other woman who may have not become a birth mother can do your job better while you probably are not doing your very best at it. Easy, I said probably. 

You asked me; If you have no children, who will be taking care of you when you get old? 
Oh dear, that is exactly what distinguish me from you. I do not think of a child as an investment for my grey old days. I think of them as a masterpiece I need to take care, I help to mold... and by the time- to let go.

I am in my 30s , single and living a full life of happiness. Waking up every morning to an excitement of my day, to hear news from the surroundings, to be able to make my voice count big time, to know that I am needed. To know that I can ask for help. To fall in and out of love again and again. I am learning, hurting, healing. Creating the very woman inside of me and it just happen that I need to do it alone at this stage. 
If I someday be a man's better half, I am learning to create my very self too, in another level. In a different act. Different plot.  That's all. 

So, mind me if we are not walking on the same track now. It does not mean that I am a better person than you already are, nor you are closer to perfection compared to me. It just means that people have their own way of fulfilling and creating live. It is that simple.
For now, only if you want to know, on a regular day... I can go home to a remedy, sipping a glass of cab-sav, or a cup of coffee if want to stay awake longer, playing my favorite music, knowing I can call whoever I want to call, dress up and go out if I want to ... or being left alone when I feel like it. I am in my 30s. 31 to be exact. Not married (again) yet. And I am just as happy as you probably ever be.


Happy Birthday Google!

Happy birthday Google! May you never get weary of our searches and random wanderings :)

Sep 26, 2011

Awesome Monday: Awesome People Hanging Out Together ; Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci

Awesome Monday is a series of pictures and a little story that  I post every Monday morning- in a mission to self- making Monday less stressful and less unattractive. This Monday, we have the lady with this awesome talent of doing foreign dialects, and is believed can play any role! ( she can even play Batman!- according to a Modern Family's character; Cameron),  Meryl Streep  and Stanley Tucci , one who have hypnotized me with his role in The Lovely Bones .
Awesome Monday series is inspired by this page . You may have a look on my previous posts too here :)

Sep 25, 2011

Something Real

I am a die hard David Bowie, The Cure, The Smiths, Incubus, Pearl Jam, Goo goo Dolls listener but somehow my soul have this constant need for a more soothing genre from Jack Johnson, Damien Rice or The Weepies too. 

Silly enough? No,  there is this other soft spot of me : R&B and or Soul singer. Yes. And Eric Benet , without a doubt, holds the trophy for me.
Check this one song please please please... 

Sep 22, 2011

This is how you do it, dude!

Hey Dudes is written by two women who think that men are awesome "but there are times when you could be even more awesome " 

The content is almost like an everyday maxims, varies from drinking like a man, to hosting a party ( which I think is completely true) to an honorably purpose of saving dudes from proposing like a tool ;the witty ladies behind Hey Dude give some spot-on advice. I've been getting a kick out of the posts even though I'm a dudette.

The tidbits is: Not missing out to speak up for our end (ladies) they've also demystify a few head-scratches about us like why we take so long to get ready and ahem... what is up with there is no such a thing as having too many shoes :)

Hey Dudes

Sep 21, 2011

I am not Feminist, trust me... Oh well...

The recent ridiculous gabble from Jakarta's Governor over one particular rape case make me want to re post this line from one angry girl again;

I am not a feminist, But...

I am not a feminist, but I appreciate the right to help choose my government representatives.  
I enjoy the option of wearing pants or shorts if I want.
I’m pleased that I was allowed to learn to read and write.
It can be very convenient to control how many babies I want to have.
It’s awfully useful to be able to open a bank account and own property in my name.
I like knowing that my husband or boyfriend cannot legally beat me.
It’s really swell to keep the money that I earn.

( And I found this one perfect picture ... )
from here

Duka pagi ini

Saya perlu kekuatan besar untuk bisa menjadi penghiburan untukmu hari ini, kawan. Saya perlu kelegaan sejenak, karena hati saya pun sesak membayangkan dukamu.
Semoga saya mampu. Saat saya berkata, kuatkan hati, saya sedang menguatkan diri saya sendiri. Saya berkata jangan  takut kepadamu, karena saya pun ketakutan setengah mati...
Sungguh kadang saya berharap kematian itu hanyalah sebuah isu belaka. Isapan jempol macam janji-janji petinggi negara. Atau hanyalah sebagian dari buku cerita seram yang sering saya curi-curi baca waktu kecil dulu.
Tetapi lalu, saya mengerti, kematian adalah titik dimana kita kembali kepada asal.Dia adalah proses penjemputan belaka dari sesuatu yang fana. Yang kadang datang dengan kengerian. Dimana Tuhan, sebagai sesuatu yang Maha, tak akan punya tandingannya. Kematian punya semesta. Maut, bukan ilusi.
Mengertikah kau kawan? Kalau jawabmu masih tidak, kalau kamu masih meraung dalam kesakitan .... saya paham. Saya mahfum.
Paling tidak, sekarang kita bisa menangis bersama.

untuk pemilik gambar ini

Sep 20, 2011

Hari ini Mamak Pulang!

Kakak senang, adikpun riang
Karena kakak dan adik melihat tanggalan, dan terpana bahwa sekarang sudah tiba saatnya… Hari yang dinantikan
Hari ini Mamak pulang

Bertahun sudah adik dan kakak menunggu Mamak.
Bertahun sudah sejak Mamak membungkus pakaiannya dalam tas tua dari kain tenun
Membungkus perona bibir, bedak dan minyak rambutnya untuk lalu dijejalkan dalam tas busuknya.
Rambut Mamak yang hitam seperti jelaga dan panjangnya sampai ke pinggangnya yang ramping dibabat habis sampai sebatas tengkuk. Kata Mamak, supaya tak kegerahan disana. Di tempat kerja Mamak yang baru. Cuacanya tidak sesejuk kampung halaman kita. Tambah Mamak saat itu.
Mamak yang cantik, yang kulitnya bersh seperti orang kota, yang matanya seperti mata rusa. Mamak yang baik dan penuh kesabaran.
Lalu Mamak mencium dan memeluk keduanya erat, sebelum berlalu bersama asap, gemuruh dan letupan panas dari kereta yang membawa Mamak pergi.
Cari uang. Karena bapak sudah lama tak kunjung datang.

Kakak dan Adik tak tahu pasti, dimana tempat kerja Mamak yang baru itu. Tempat yang kata Mamak panas… yang kata Mamak tak baik untuk anak kecil bersekolah atau bermain. Yang kata Mamak jauh untuk ditempuh dan terlalu mahal untuk diambangi. Walaupun cuma satu bulan sekali.
Jadi, Kakak dan Adik percaya. Karena mereka tahu, Mamak jauh dari kata dusta.

Bertahun sudah, Kakak dan Adik menerima surat demi surat dari Mamak. Surat yang oleh adik disimpan rapi dalam kotak bekas menyimpan sirih yang dulunya dimiliki oleh Nenek Sumi. Nenek Sumi itu ibunya Mamak. Ia sudah tak menyirih lagi.
Kata Mamak dalam suratnya, ia rindu setiap hari pada kakak dan adik… kata Mamak, kakak dan adik harus rajin belajar karena untuk itulah Mamak pergi jauh, ke tempat yang mengharuskan Mamak memotong rambut panjangnya yang sehitam jelaga.

Adik sempat bingung, kalau tetangga atau teman-temannya kerap bertanya “Mamakmu mana?”. “Kerja di luar kota”, paling itu jawabnya. Lalu adik berharap tak akan ada pertanyaan lain yang lebih lanjut karena sumpah mati adik tak tahu harus menjawab apa.
Di kota apa?... Sebagai apa?
Adik bungkam.

Lalu, kakak mulai melarangnya ke kampung sebelah. Kata Kakak, anak-anak disana suka mengatai Mamak. Kata mereka pekerjaan Mamak di kota lain ditutupi karena tidak halal, karena Mamak adalah perempuan tidak benar.
Adik bingung. Karena dia baru tahu ada istilah perempuan tidak benar. “Tidak benar-benar perempuan Kak?”, tanya adik.
Kakak hanya melengos “Ah, nanti kau tau sendiri”.

Lalu Nenek Sumi mulai membatasi jam main kakak dan adik. Pulang sekolah harus langsung ke rumah. Jangan terpancing oleh ledekkan kawan, tukang jajanan, apalagi orang tua kawan yang suka mengatai Mamak yang tidak-tidak.
Kakak langsung setuju. Tapi adik bingung. Bingung sampai akhirnya adik pulang suatu hari dengan darah mengucur dari hidung.

Katanya dijotos oleh Awang. “Kenapa sampai kelahi dengan Awang?” Suara Nenek Sumi meninggi. “Karena aku bosan di rumah, aku main kerumahnya… lalu ia bicara yang aku tak mengerti soal Mamak”
“Apa katanya?”. Itu suara Kakak. Tidak tinggi, tapi dari cara Kakak membersihkan luka adik, adik tau kakak kesal sampai ubung-ubun. Kesal pada adik, terlebih pada Awang.
“Makmu bisa kirim uang banyak karena dikota jadi peliharaan orang!”  Adik meniru. Sumpah tanpa tau arti kalimat itu.
“Jadi kudorong dia sampai terjerambap… lalu ia membalas memukulku sampai hidungku berdarah”. Lanjut adik, nyaris berbisik.
Nenek Sumi berlalu. “Sekali lagi kau kelahi, kau tak kubolehkan pergi sekolah”…. Tuturnya
Adik meringis. “Tapi gigi Awang patah kubuat kak…” bisik adik . Semakin pelan.
Kakak tersenyum.

Jadi… bertahun sudah Kakak dan Adik menahan diri. Tidak membalas ledekkan kawan, tidak mengiba saat dikucilkan. Yang penting, Nenek Sumi tampak selalu kelebihan uang saku, adik bisa beli sepatu baru bahkan sebelum awal tahun ajaran, kakak bisa beli tas baru yang bagus.. bagus sekali.
Nenek Sumi juga mulai terbiasa, kalau tak ada lagi yang mengajaknya ngobrol di tempat cuci umum. Yang penting rumah yang mereka tinggali kini sudah punya sofa baru, ranjang dan tilam baru untuk semua kamar. Dan bulan depan, sebelum Lebaran, Nenek Sumi sudah dijanjikan anaknya untuk mengecat rumah.

Kakak melonjak riang dari ranjangnya sebelum lalu menghampiri tanggalan. “Hari ini Mamak pulang!”
Seperti janji Mamak dalam surat. Seperti kata Nenek Sumi.
Adik sudah bersiap merayu Mamak agar tak lagi pergi. Atau kalau pergi pun, bawa serta adik dan kakak. Kalau Nek Sumi pastinya tak sudi ikut. Dia mau mati disini…. Itu kata Nenek Sumi sendiri.

Keduanya berdiri manis diambang pintu.. Setengah jam sebelum jadwal yang Mamak sudah katakan lewat suratnya yang terakhir.

Kakak dan adik berdebar dalam penantian, mereka tau Mamak akan datang naik angkutan yang disewakan oleh Nek Sumi, menjemput anak semata wayangnya di stasiun kereta.
Nenek, kakak dan adik sengaja menanti di rumah. Membersihkan kamar Mamak, menyiapkan makanan kesukaan Mamak. Ikan dan lalapan, beserta semur tahu dalam pinggan sudah menanti.

Jadi, saat deru angkutan itu terdengar diujung jalan, adik gembira bukan kepalang. Tangannya sampai dingin… Kakak tersenyum saja, mengelus kepala adik berusaha menenangkan.
Nenek Sumi berdiri paling depan… Melambai pada supir angkutan yang mulai mendekat ke pekarangan.

Supir angkutan, dikawani tiga orang asing yang menatap Nek Sumi dengan pilu.
Anak semata wayangnya tak ada disitu.Katanya, jasadnya sudah diamankan.
Kata si supir lagi, Ia ditabrak mobil mewah yang melibasnya dalam kecepatan tinggi saat berjalan mendekati angkutan. Mobil mewah yang dikendarai seorang wanita paruh baya yang sudah gila karena suaminya sudah lama tidak pulang.
Perempuan yang gigih mencari dan menyusul Mamak sampai ke kampung, untuk langsung menghabisinya. Perempuan yang kata supir, sudah tertawa lega saat ditangkap petugas keamanan.
Perempuan yang pernah membujuk Mamak agar jangan lagi menerima cinta suaminya.

Hari ini Mamak pulang.
Ke rumah Tuhan?

( Maret 2010 )

Dear Ms. Rosemary Lamb

You have a very beautiful name, dear Rosemary... and your last name, one that identifies who you really are; Lamb. Oh, such a sweetness.

from Kiss My Spatula

Sep 19, 2011

A King's child

Somehow, this dialogue between Simba and Mufasa in my all time favorite; The Lion King, reminds me of my late Dad... and of who I really am ( one ultimate truth that I ridiculously forget sometimes) . 
I am the King's child :)  

Mufasa: Simba!
Simba: Father?
Mufasa: Simba you've forgotten me.
Simba: No, how could I?
Mufasa: You've forgotten who you are so you forgot me, look inside yourself Simba, you are more than what you've become, you must take your place in the cirlce of life.
Simba: How can I go back? I'm not what I'm suppose to be.
Mufasa: Remember who you are, you are my son and the one true king. Remember who you are.

from Fan Art

Awesome Monday: Awesome People Hanging Out Together; Bob Marley, Mick Jagger and Peter Tosh

Aiiiishhh.. Monday is here again :) It's going to be a busy week for me! So I really have to make the most out of it, starting with posting another picture for our  Awesome Monday series. If you do not know it yet, this is a post series inspired by  this page, aiming to make Monday less unattractive, less stressful. No matter how crazy busy your week is going to be. Now look at all the awesome faces here in this picture... I think I can hear a beat of " Don't worry about a thing... 'Coz every little thing is gonna be alright" in my head now :)
Do not miss checking my other  Awesome Monday  posts too!

Sep 18, 2011

Veggie or Fruity?

Not very often that I jot a posting about health. I read this on Reader’s Digest and want to share with you all. Which do you crave more: fruits or vegetables? These categories, easily spotted by whether you prefer savory or sweet. Which one are you? If in doubt, you can take the quiz . I am a big time savory eater, means I fall into the vegetable category and the test says so.
Best servings of fruit and veggies
Vegetable lovers Like: Bitter flavors and are more likely to try new things. Habits: Veggie lovers would take a glass of red wine over dessert. Interesting qualities: These people like to entertain and try new things. They are more likely to have dinner parties and cook nutritious meals.

Fruit lovers Like: Sweeter foods. Habits: They are more likely to take a look at the dessert menu. Interesting qualities: Fruit types tend to eat foods that take less time to prepare. They could actually have more sensitive taste receptors that make them detect a stronger bitterness in broccoli.
Either of these preferences is healthy overall since vegetables and fruits contain many of the same vitamins and minerals. However, cruciferous vegetables from the cabbage and broccoli family contain anti-cancer compounds that both types need. Well, friends of fruit lovers , you have to eat your vegetables too!

Travel some more

Been thinking about traveling a lot. I should start to travel more like I used too. Aaaarghhh.. funny how when you don't have that much of cash yet you get yourself to travel everywhere? Then, you promise yourself that when you start to make a living you will travel more (in a much more convenient way- looking back to all those backpacking times back in the day). Another promise you tend to fail, right next to diet and exercising. Or is it just me?
Therefore just now I booked a flight ticket for a quick gateway next month. Tell you later on the destination. Am all excited and giddy now!
from here

Three's a Charm ; Friends

Time to post the top 3 favorite pictures again! This time, I am sharing a few pictures of my friends and I . All are taken within this particular week. 

Olvie and I

With Silvia in one of our Quiz Nite at this bar we visit every Thursday
Yosi, me and Ria at our Odalan Ceremony

Sep 16, 2011

Let me tweet this for you

Jessica Hische created this witty, awesome and funny guide to explain Twitter to non-users and newbies (like parents, or in may case, my - always want to stay updated- uncles ). The manual/ guide explains how tweets work between people you know, people who follow you, and people you don't know at all. It also includes something I've always struggled to briefly and accurately explain (because I just learned about it a few months after I am officially on @tressabelism ) the many uses of hashtags. Aahh... I see :)

Empire of the Sun(s)

Whoa! NASA said its Kepler telescope has found a planet that orbits two suns -- a larger K dwarf and a smaller red dwarf, seen above in an illustration. The planet has been nicknamed Tatooine, the Star Wars body that also had two suns.
Source : here

I would eat them

According to my family : this is the kind of a line that is likely said by me. Well, Depp, I feel for you :)

From saying Images

Kuliah Umum- Sapardi Djoko Damono

Look what I got on my email :(  Too bad I cannot join the class.

Rabu, 21 September 2011, 19:00 WIB

Kesusastraan Sebelum Perang Kemerdekaan
Pembicara: Sapardi Djoko Damono
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi salihara. Buku program September-Oktober dapat diunduh di salihara.
Sampai bertemu di Komunitas Salihara!
Komunitas Salihara; Jl. Salihara 16, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520. Tel:

Sep 14, 2011

From Monas with one proud smile

Dear my fellow Indonesian friends. I have a confession to make.
As much as I complain, nag, whine or bursting a plaintive cry about all the inconveniences and insecurities lays in this country, truth is… I am not sure that I have done enough too. Being one lawfully citizen of this beautiful yet rich country? Yes, I pay my taxes. Yes, I know how to queue obediently, I support the home industry by using their product just as much as I use the local ones and never purchase any bootleg recordings. However, I know that I can do more.

Back in my childhood and early adolescence time, I memorized all the ministers, knew almost every single composer of almost every National songs, and of course what part of the country produces what. I grew up being aware with all the museums and historical places in Jakarta, (understand the history quite well) and visit them often! Strange thing is, I now work in a tourism industry, but, do I have the same interest to any of that stuff anymore?

That’s how I realized, I should change this attitude. This “understanding”. This ignorance.
Now, just take one simple example. How many of you ( again, my fellow Indonesian friends) have this picture- posing in front of the iconic Universal Studio? A lot, I bet!
But, how many of you have a picture of your self, beaming a proud smile in front of our very own landmark;  Monas- The National Monument
Another confession, my last visit to Monas was almost 15 years ago. 

Today, as my Mom told me that she, my Grandma and my sisters are taking may 4 y/o nephew to Monas, I feel so ashamed of myself for being so ignorant these couple of (decades…) about the interesting historical places in this country, about the achievements of our sports team, about the people who really are playing their genuine part for the government (Oh how I hope there still are people like that)
Can you see how lucky I am?  To have parents who will always remind me that the most important things in life- is not merely about keeping up with the new fancy things this world has to offer? You can go back to visit “the past” once a in a while; to appreciate the comfort you are now living, to honor your ancestors, or to support your government, even… Or  to inherit what you and your future generation really deserve. You can do more than just complaining…

Is that going to make a significant or a big difference to the world?
Maybe not. But, at the very least,  it changed me. It changed the way my nephew sees the world in front of him. Later on that day, he said “My heart was pounding because we went to the top ! Monas is just amazing, I want to go there again!”

In a longer haul, my friend... it will change the way our children think of this one Emerald of the Equator .
After all, isn't that what we have been demanding about? Changes?

ps: You can have my word; on my next trip to Jakarta, I will go to Monas, scanning all the dioramas and take a proud picture afterward.

Joseph Kiyoshi in front of the National Monument
With Aunt Detri, looking over Jakarta from the top

Sep 12, 2011

Temple Ceremony

The Odalan, or temple anniversary celebration, is a lavish ceremony that is performed every 210 days to commemorate the founding of the temple. There are thousands of temples in Bali and each one celebrates its own Odalan Festival. In fact, as the date varies from one temple to another, you will probably have the opportunity to see one. For the Balinese Hindus, the festival is a reminder to live by the philosophy that happiness and prosperity can only be attained if all human beings live in balance and harmony with God, with other people, and with the environment. On September 12th, the big family of Ayodya Resort Bali (my work place) held our own Odalan ceremony with a procession to the temple to present gifts and offerings, accompanied by prayers, music and feasting. Sacredly fun !
Here are a few pictures from the day.
ps: Excuse the low quality of a phone camera production images. My friend will send me the good ones and for sure will share some more with you. Om swastyastu. 

The blogger, in a traditional Balinese dress ;)

Awesome Monday: Awesome People Hanging Out Together; Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson

It is that time of the week again. Please bear with me. This tumblr page is just so amazing I cannot stop posting it every Monday- to remind you- the mission is to make Monday a little less unattractive and stressful ;p. If you like it, you can check the rest of the ongoing posts of Awesome Monday here in my blog!
As for the picture below, I cannot decide, which of the gentlemen is my most favorite.... I have no source about the story behind this image but they make the place looks like a bar/ restaurant that I want to chill at ;). I always have a soft swell spot for an "older" men (ahem... )

Sep 11, 2011

Believe it or Not; Giving leads you to happiness

If you are Christian like me, I am sure you all have heard this, an affirmation from the Bible when it comes about giving or maybe, making sacrifices- when you have to re arrange your priorities and put other people's matter first instead of yours ; PROV.11:24 & 25 One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. 25A liberal man will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. Or, MATT. 6:3-4 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Does not sound to re assuring to you? How about this; A study at University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School has proven that it really is better to give than to receive. The study found that subjects who spent money on others were happier than those who spent mostly on themselves.  
So give away! Be it a little gift(s), a financial support, a charm bracelet, a bag of cookies... or even, your time :)

More posts on Believe it or Not !

Credit. Unknown

In between Always and Never

Aah... I see...
from here

That September Day

The catastrophic disaster  I experienced about two years ago still gets me so nervous and shaky sometimes. I cannot imagine what it feels like to be a living witness of a way way bigger terror, not to mention losing your loved ones in it. Must be unbearable. So I am posting this, in honor to all the brave hearts out there that is still living their courageous life, carrying this pain on their chest- holding a dear memory of the lost souls over the tragedy. God be with you.
Did you weep for the children who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don't know?
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below?
Did you burst out in pride for the red, white and blue
And the heroes who died just doin' what they do?
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself and what really matters?
Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
by: Alan Jackson

Images from LIFE

Sep 10, 2011

IMO Update

Hahaha.. Is it too embarrassing that I am so happy because 2 of my 4 posts (so far) in Tressabel Hutasoit- IMO Jakarta Post is re tweeted and got "likes" by a few readers? No, it is nothing big- just a few paragraphs of my twirling wanders but yes I (cannot believe) am blussshiiiing... I knoooow this is nothing compared to any other people's career in writing but yes, this made my day :) Oh dear... How I want to read and write some more and more....
Relationship; To post or not to post?

Do you believe in Marriage?

Finally Home- Mercy Me

Gonna wrap my arms around my Daddy's neck and tell him that I have missed him/ And tell him all about the man that I became / And hope that it pleased him/ There's so much I want to say/ There's so much I want you to know/ When I finally make it home when I finally make it home/ Then I'll gaze upon the throne of the King Frozen in my steps/ And all the questions that I swore I would ask/ Words just won't come yet So amazed at what I've seen so much more Than this old mind can hold/ And the sweetest sound these ears have yet to hear/ The voices of the angels When I finally make it home...- Mercy Me

Sep 7, 2011

Relationship Status- to post or not to post

Do you have that urge? A roaring need to define every relationship you have with a person? Truth be told. I was like that, a few years back. Now, I’m fascinated with dating life and how attraction works, which is part of the reason that I decided to write this post. Almost everybody that I know owns at least one social media account. Not that I met all of them on line :)) but hey,  even my mother is on facebook. But, how far would you go to announce your relationship status to the world (wide web), how creative would you be to analyze and label whatever encounter you are having with another person?
On the contrary, are you more of a " Just let it flow" mode kinda person? Or maybe a person who pushes away almost everybody who is nosy and crazy enough to ask about your real relationship status ( simply because you did not post it on your profile) ? *big grin


New on IMO

Tressabel Hutasoit is a rookie on IMO :)

Love is not blind

Oh, well :)

Via Ehkasi
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