Aug 6, 2011

My Pure Saturday

How do you like your Saturday? I like mine starts early. I embrace my Saturday with a cup of long black coffee, a misty window and broken clouds. Yes, I am a morning person, so even on my days off, I always wake up early just to feel this pleasure knowing that I have a free time to do things out of work. I can do chores, breakfast, put on some music just to go back for a nap later but I must and love... to wake up early.
So this morning, I woke up at 7 (a bit late), and do a bit of reading before walking for 20 minutes to my hotel to have a breakfast meeting with the Managing Editor of this sophisticated lifestyle magazine; Dreams .
I met him  last night for a dinner but the interview with the Chef has to be done in the morning. So I went. 
Call me crazy, but I love breakfast meetings. It feels like it triggers an endorphin burst in me, knowing that on such early hours, I have done something worth accomplishing.
Especially because my work (my passion) always rotates me into meeting people with fascinating ideas and experiences. Trust me I am not a typical " must work long hours"  kinda woman. I don't do that. But I don't know how to call this "contentment of getting one thing done on a Saturday morning" which makes me feel like I deserve a laid back day to the fullest. I am weird like that I guess.  
Have  nice Saturday everyone. 

Update: I later have nice long hours at the beach, do my nails, bakso dinner, shop for bread and fruits (hmm durian and mangosteen) with my friend Ria. I loooouuuve my Saturday!
Image credit unknown. Anyone?

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