Apr 22, 2012

Faux Matilda!

I spent my childhood life with my Grandparents (Mom's parents). My Grandpa was a teacher at a Christian High School , so being showered with books is just one of among other perks I used to boast about.
Well, I still do so today. I mean, who grew up as a 7 year old with a free access to a high school library?!*proud face.

When I was introduced to Roald Dahl's "Matilda",  (the same year when I needed to finish NH Dini's "Padang Ilalang di Belakang Rumah"- since my Grandparents always determined to introduce me to the Indonesian literature at first) I got hooked!
Psst... I still have the copy of the two mentioned books at my house in Jakarta . Rad, yes?

Anyway, this page: Unshelved that I just stumble upon has a faux (tweaked/bloopers comic) version of  "Matilda"  in it (which makes me laugh like a 7 year old) . 
I wonder if they will consider to have some of Indonesian's literature to be published there too someday... :)

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