Jul 20, 2012

Simplify the complexity of Feminism

I am in no mood to phrase a long paragraph and I am running out of coffee too..., a potion that gets me to write better. So I will save your time and just jot these down where you are free to either agree or disagree.

Ideas about Feminism from a decaffeinated -sober woman.
  1. A continuous journey that I might have learned at first from Simone's The Second Sex, and strengthened by Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologue, and intrigued by those Barbie dolls I never had
  2. Not merely about making choices of your own, but to stand up for them even when no one got your back
  3. Admitting that at one point, one summer, one new year's eve... one day... maybe, a man can caught you off guard. And, you might fall in and out of love, girl
  4. To crave for sex. And knowing you can ask for  more
  5. To be able to make your man wolfing over that burnt cookies you made as your first (and probably last) baking attempt
  6. Keeping your last name. Or changing it because you just want it
  7. To say no to sex
  8. Asking for help (nicely... and yes, maybe to a man) when you have tried moving heaven and earth and nothing else seems to work
  9. Expecting chivalry especially because you are a lady
  10. Not letting failure, mistakes and imperfection make you feel any less of a woman that you are
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