Jul 23, 2013

What my Dad Thought of Me

I posted this picture before I moved in to the new hose. But, today, my dear cousin Ruth made a comment that broke me to tears.. In a good way :) Since it means so much to me, I am sharing them as below:

Ruth Sinaga Yes He is indeed...and I remember ur bapak..my tulang bontot...once told me that he always believed that u could stand on ur own...he always had a faith on u...Tress...
To which I responded with saying "Now I want to cry..." And she went on:
Ruth Sinaga Hehehe....I'm sorry Tress...really didn't mean to...Seeing u right now with what u've achieved in ur carreer..makes me remember what he said to me once about u n the good qualities u have in u to survive.

I always knew my Dad and I had this strong bond.... And maybe, we still do. But,  little did I know that he really  thought of me that way, and that he actually talked about me in such honor and pride to people around him and to our families. God's great grace is the only answer why my family and I have made it this far. It's no one's strength. And I still am the same old kid who's easily frightened and keep making mistakes.

But I cannot be thankful enough to hear this message today. I just cannot. Thank you sister Ruth, for reminding me about how beautiful life actually is and what a wonderful man that I grew up with.

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