
Feb 2, 2018

Walking the talk

Don't you just love it when article tag lines promise to help us to discover “Who I’m meant to be.” Am I not already that person? How does one go about doing this? Could there be a less scientific pursuit?
I tried to be my skeptical self but then... well... This question been banging my head for almost two years now and I've lost sleeps thinking about it!

At the end of 2017, I've finally had the courage to stop talking about my fears and make that change. It's not just about the signs and all the coincidences, it's about what will make me go to sleep feeling less doubtful about what I am actually doing in life. I need to be the person that I am meant to be.

So, here goes.

Today is my official last day working in the hotel industry.
Yes, you've read that right.

And whilst typing the above, I was waiting for wave of emotions to shock me. To my surprise, it did not happen... it feels so natural. After ten years, after five properties. After making my path just enough people actually commented with "Wow, it's like the end of an era!"
I do not feel anything in that scale of magnitude. I appreciate the comments but deep down I know that none of us is irreplaceable. We just need to make sure we are creating our own legacy. No matter how small.
This feels okay. And if I am being brutally honest, my body feels like it's embracing its longing journey. "Where have you been?"

From tomorrow onward, I will embrace my "Act 2" with a small communications agency. Writing, creating content for much smaller establishments to pay the bills and to have enough to share and at the same time using my time for causes I am invested in  like this, this, or this.
And the book I've been talking about finishing? Goodness me.
Will this be a big break or an epic fail, I know I owe this to myself. I've been feeling so guilty for doing nothing about my own longtime dreams and hopes. 
And what's worst? I have been talking about it for years!

But all that stops now.

And I have faith that God is on my side. To Him be the glory.