
Dec 27, 2017

What I learned in 2017

For me, 2016 was a year of wealth. My award winning short movie resulted in some good financial boost. There were some free-lance projects that seemed to fall on my lap too because of it.

How to best picture it; I flew half of my family members to Bali and paid for most of things; return tickets, entertainment, lunches and dinners. 
The house also got some nip and tuck ; new roof for the garage, new sofa, I even installed a new air conditioning in the guest room.
It was easy.

But it did not take long for it to go South as soon as I entered 2017...

Illustration by Aolanow

Nov 15, 2017

My 42.195K For the Orangutans

Dear beautiful people, I will run my next Full Marathon this coming 3rd December at the @sgmarathon and raise fund for the work of Bosfoundation for the Orangutans ❤️

I understand fully that the work of educating people, and to rescue-rehabilitate-release the Orangutans that are the "Gardeners of the Forest" is a long and tough journey, so I want to dedicate my time, my struggle in Marathon for them while raising fund

Please get to know these beautiful people at Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation and contribute to the welfare of our close relative, the Orangutans, and their habitat.


1. Click HERE and 
2. Press “Donate Now”/ “Donasi Sekarang”
3. Fill in your contact details
4. Enter the amount you wish to donateand select the form of payment
5. All the money goes directly to Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation account.

Thank you for your kind support, and for showing such passion for the animals and the environment.

God bless your heart, and wish me luck!

Aug 31, 2017

The First Cut is the Deepest

KM 1-10 was all about you Kak Wike. I thought of you and your family. Mostly your little boy Shalom. I had zero knowledge about nasopharyngeal cancer before and now when I see how you struggle with it, I can't help but to admire your strength and try to find a way to cheer you up. If only these Kms can contribute to your healing, I'll do it all over again.

KM 10-20, I was thinking about your work Mba Mimi. Your achievements in Journalism and how you spread news about Indonesia all over the world. When you were really ill with the devil virus a few months ago, I was... scared that we might lose you. Your energy and your intelligence are like no other. I am so happy you won this battle and stick around stronger.

KM 20-30
My peace gone down the hill here. I could not believe how slow I was and everything starting to hurt like mad. I cried a little. I Guess it's like a superstitious coincidence as I did think about when you were in a coma a few months ago, and how you use the word "embrace the pain" after your double mastectomy. Girl, that.was.heavy.
Here's my most slow and painful 10KM for your beautiful bravery Mba Fey. I wanted to curse breast cancer but I am remembered on how so full of acceptance you are about it so I did not.

KM 30-40
As cute as it sounds, Lupus annoys the S out of me especially because I know two people who has it. Seeing your battle Mba Sylviana makes me feel so inadequate the last 10KMs. I almost gave up when I could not feel my legs and hips! Your painful nights and unexplainable tiredness and pain were all I can think of. And I hope these can make you laugh a bit as I am sure it has nothing next to your journey.
You amazed me.

KM 41-42.195
For all of you who are at the moment having to go through critical illness, whose prayers are nothing more than about some clue to healing... me entering the finish line with all what's left in me... is for you. Also to Mba Fika Kansil.. don't give up...

God is Good.

#42195fortheirpain #fullmarathon #balimaratheroes #solagratia

Jun 2, 2017

Menyoal Hakikat Perempuan Sejati

Ini Siswi. Primadona nya Camp Leakey yang berlokasi di Tanjung Puting- Kalimantan Tengah.
Tanjung Puting (dan tiga camp didalamnya; Camp Leakey, Pondok Tanggui, Tanjung Harapan) adalah taman nasional dimana di dalam tiga camp tersebut, Orangutan yang sempat menjadi korban poaching pembakaran hutan direhabilitasi ulang oleh para rangers sebelum bisa dilepas kembali ke alam bebas. Tapi tulisan ini bukan hendak membahas mengenai tamaknya deforestrasi industri kelapa sawit. 

Itu nanti saja.

Tulisan ini, tentang perempuan.

Kenapa Siswi disebut primadona? Well, sebenarnya itu julukan si paruh baya ini dulu. Sebagai seorang perempuan, Siswi tergolong cantik dan menggairahkan. Buat para Orangutan tentu. 
Sifatnya yang percaya diri dan pesonanya yang memikat lewat bulu merah dan mata besarnya yang seperti telaga menjadikan Siswi seorang alpha-female. 
Dan Siswi dulu berhasil membuat King Tom (alpha male di Camp leakey bertekuk lutut)

Suatu hari, Siswi mengalami musibah keguguran. Sejak itu diketahui bahwa Siswi memiliki tumor didekat rahimnya yang bisa berakibat fatal jika tidak segera dioperasi. Tim dokter ahli akhirnya didatangkan oleh Prof. Birute dan tim’nya. Menyelamatkan nyawa perempuan dahsyat ini, walau artinya mereka harus mengangkat rahim Siswi.

Setelah pulih, Siswi si primadona kembali ke hutan. 
Sayangnya, tanpa Siswi sangka, para Orangutan jantan tidak lagi melihat Siswi menggairahkan. 
Baunya beda, phreromone yang dulu memikat, sekarang sudah tidak tercium lagi. Siswi dianggap tak akan mampu menghasilkan keturunan lagi. Jadi buat apa didekati?
Harap dicatat; untuk bisa mendapatkan pengakuan sebagai “Pejantan sejati”, Orangutan jantan harus berhasil punya anak. Jadi naluri kebinatangan mereka bereaksi secara alamiah didalam hal ini. Nothing personal. It’s nature.
Ada manusia yang merasa? Silakan berhenti membaca tulisan saya.
Oh, dan terakhir saya kesana tahun lalu, Tom sedang dekat dengan Arya. Seorang Orangutan betina muda yang belum berusia 20 tahun dan masih subur pastinya.
Tersinggung? Kan saya sudah bilang, berhenti membaca tulisan ini….

Akhirnya, Siswi jadi lebih sering berteman dengan para rangers di hutan. 
Makanya, mudah sekali bertemu dengan Siswi kalau kita berkunjung ke Camp Leakey. Karena dia sering duduk di dermaga penyebrangan sungai sekonyer kedalam Camp. 

Siswi agak nyentrik, bahkan sering dibilang biang kerok. Karena selalu mengikuti cara hidup para rangers disana. Kadang Siswai suka ikut mandi, minta mencobai teh yang sedang dinimati rangers, atau sok ikut membantu memperbaiki jembatan. Kalau nyentrik'nya keluar, Siswi tak segan mengganggu tamu dengan ulahnya. 
Yang terjadi didepan mata saya saat itu; Siswi harus dirayu pakai payung supaya mau bergeser dari dermaga. Supaya saya dan teman-teman lain bisa lewat dan naik ke perahu kelotok.

Lucu? Mungkin.
Tapi, sebagai seorang skeptic sejati… saya justru merasa sedih. 

Siswi merasa ditolak, jadilah ia pencari perhatian kelas berat. 
Siswi merasa tidak cantik lagi, jadilah dia galak sama perempuan lain. 
Terutama sama siapa tebak? Yes, Arya!

Saat ini, mungkin kalian berpikir saya seperti sedang membahas mengenai teman-teman manusia. Bukan, ini purely Orangutan. Yang punya kesamaan genetic 97% dengan kita.
Makes so much more sense now?

Yang bisa saya syukuri, Siswi tetap sehat. Dia akan selalu aman dan bahagia disana. Animal Instinct yang membuat para orangutan jantan tidak mau sama Siswi lagi adalah proses alam yang tak bisa diubah.

Tapi, bagaimana dengan nasib saudara-saudara perempuan Siswi yang lain (yang punya kesamaan genetic sebanyak 97%)?
Alias manusia.
Bagaimana jika seorang perempuan (manusia) hanya dianggap sempurna jika ia berhasil menghadirkan manusia-manusia kecil kedunia ini lewat rahimnya? 
Padahal ia tidak bisa.
Bagaimana jika 3% dari ketidaksamaan itu membuat si perempuan punya logika yang justru berbeda
“Saya tidak mau punya anak.” Karena (mau adopsi/tidak mau saja/takut melahirkan/dunia sudah edan/my body my rule)

Apakah pilihan-pilihan itu akan menjadikan posisi perempuan (yang manusia) jadi sama seperti Siswi? Dianggap tak berguna. Dihakimi karena tak memenuhi kodrat. Disingkirkan alam?
Sehingga harus sering main-main sendirian di dermaga.
Atau justru lebih buruk?

Dihina di lingkungan, diceraikan, dianggap aneh. Terutama oleh perempuan lain yang sibuk adu argumentasi mengenai  ASI versus susu formula. Yang mana Ibu sejati. Kata mereka.

Akhirnya para perempuan yang hidupnya mirip seperti Siswi ini cuma bisa diam.
Entah mau mengutuki rahim dan kelamin atau justru mempertanyakan kehendak Tuhannya.

Kembali ke Siswi. Yang buat saya adalah tetap perempuan sejati.
Apakah Siswi punya pilihan lain? Selain ya sesekali judesin Arya.
Apa Siswi bia mennulis blog atau bikin campaign soal #rewritetherules atau soal #feminisme?
Tapi paling tidak… dibatas pemikirannya yang tak se”mulia” manusia, Siswi bisa berdamai dengan kehidupannya sekarang. Toh, ranger malah sering memanjakannya. Siswi juga tak harus berpikir soal “Siapa yang akan mengurusnya saat tua nanti.”

Bagaimana dengan mahkluk perempuan lain?

Akhir tahun ini, kalau Tuhan dan semesta mengijinkan, saya akan bertemu Siswi lagi.
Mungkin akan berusaha menatap matanya walau tak bisa terlalu dekat.

A homo sapiens and a Pongo pygmaeus.
But eye to eye. Woman to woman.

Mungkin Siswi bisa menularkan kekuatannya kepada saya karena sebagai sesama perempuan, Siswi dan saya sama-sama pernah keguguran.

Mungkin akan ada sepercik sinar kebijakan di dalam jiwa Siswi yang bisa saya serap dan pelajari.

Untuk kemudian saya bagi untuk perempuan lain di dermaga lain atau lelaki yang mungkin ingin bisa seperti King Tom.

Atau pada diri saya sendiri.

Tressabel Hutasoit-  
Homo sapiens-

(Update 2018: King Tom dikabarkan sudah tidak tampak lagi di Camp Leakey. Dugaan para rangers adalah, Tom kalah kelahi hingga lari ke pedalaman hutan liar. Sebagaimana mantan Orangutan  alpha lainnya. Pengganti Tom adalah yang berhasil mengalahkannya, yaitu Carlos. Siswi punya hobi baru: berkelahi dengan Carlos yang sudah membuat cinta sejatinya pergi.)

May 31, 2017

Go Tressabel

Just want to share this video blog published by Air Asia as their support for Maybank Bali Marathon Heroes.
I am so blessed.

Click here: Go Tressabel!

42195 for their pain

May 24, 2017

Counting Stars

The past two months, I feel like life has been trying to redirect me. Career wise. And it has been an energy-draining process. What I am going through with the Marathon campaign is amazing. I cannot feel grateful enough! And it is also a reminder of what I actually should be doing with my life. To do something that actually contributing differences and meanings to the world.
No matter how small.

But again, as a big time worrier, I resort to what I see as a safe zone.

To avoid myself ended up in an angry and bitter stage, I listen to this song over and over again. I learned about the meaning of this song exactly three years ago, and been using it as a mantra when career life is giving me the real challenge.

It is about to let go things you cannot control, and be smart in picking up your battles. 
You just have to be open and willing to look for those joys in life and embrace them.
There's always something to learn from.
Stars = blessings. So count your blessings and remember that which is important in life.

"And I don’t think the world is sold / I’m just doing what we’re told. “I feel something so right / By doing the wrong thing / And I feel something so wrong / By doing the right thing / I couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie / Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.”

What's your work-life-challenge mantra?


Apr 16, 2017

Maybank Bali Marathon 2017

A few weeks ago, Maybank Bali Marathon announced that they are looking for three runners to be Bali Marathon Heroes. The objective is to give those three official training program (aside from running kit and a GPS watch!) so that their stories can inspire others. 
You were asked to upload a 60 second video explaining the reason "Why should you be selected."
This is my take; Tressabel's Road to MBM2017 - that I submitted for "The Upgrader" category (One who wants to do his or her first ever Full Marathon) if you want to have a look.

After the committee contacted me to arrange an interview via Skype, I could not sleep for two days! But all I ever think about was my four friends who have been struggling hard with terminal illness. And I can only hope, the next coming weeks of training will "entertain" them enough to believe that there are people out there who care. No matter how hard the training will be, I know it's nothing compare to what they are dealing with.

This post is to announce how grateful I am to be selected. The road will be tough as the Race Director told me "A Full Marathon is a world away from a Half Marathon. But I wont' spill you all the surprises."
And I trust him. 

Prayers, please beautiful people. For me, and most especially the four friends of mine who have promised me that "We will be watching."

To God be the glory.

Congratulations to all of our #RoadtoMBM2017 finalists! Thank you for all of your effort and enthusiasm, it is uplifting to see a group of runners who are passionate about the sport, about pushing their limits, and about helping others. We are excited to be part of your #MBM2017 journey and we can't wait to see you on the starting line.
It was very difficult for the committee to decide on only three #MBM2017 hero, but after many deliberations the selection has been confirmed. They were selected because of their self-discipline, drive, passion for others, and single-minded commitment to a cause.
Runners, please welcome the #MBM2017 hero:
The Starter : @irwinpermata
The Upgrader : @tressabelhutasoit
The Elite : @iq3aladil

Apr 15, 2017

One too many voices

Have you ever been in the biggest dilemma of all in your life? If yes, were there too many loud voices inside your head that makes you even more confused?
How do you pick one that's  the best for you?
Mari Andrew's illustration below describes it perfectly here. 
I have been very well, but this inner voice has been screaming telling me to "Stop trying to talk yourself out of your true calling."

Then the endless "What ifs" and "But..." starting to flow.

Apr 4, 2017

Mar 6, 2017

Road to Full Marathon

Some of you may already know that I am in training for my first Full Marathon. It has been hard. And I am still so far away from my target. Some of my techniques still need fixing. Tho, my coach been complementing me about my endurance.

I look all smiley in pictures but honestly, I am in pain most of the times. But, as they say misery loves company, If you want to follow my training regime, I will be happy to share. For the good of course! I also do not mind sharing more details about my favorite gears. We can swap infos!

People been asking me if I have lost so much weight. Well, maybe like 10kgs. But I lost them gradually in about two years, not in a short amount of time. 
My objective was never that, as I was never feeling fat anyway. But it came as a bonus. I feel so much fitter. Tho I have been very sensible by eating more and more rice because I am more comfortable with a little bit of meat on my body.

If you are feeling like you are not shedding a pound or two and thinking about asking me how, I must say I may not be the best to go person. Because I eat like a maniac.
Maybe go to your nutritionist first, as they know what is best for each body type (blood type matters too?) then you may follow my training plan. 
Oh, I will share details on running gear on a different post. So keep an eye out!

If you want.

Mar 1, 2017

Run Till You Drop

This "Run Till You Drop" race was a bit different. You were given an option; register to run for 2hrs or 3hrs. If you register for the 2hr one, you will need to run a minimum of 5 laps (each is 2.5KM) to get your finisher medal. For the 3hr one, you need to do a minimum of 8laps.

Since my aim is to do my first Full Marathon this August, I registered for the 3hr one. "I need to train my endurance." I told myself.
I have done a good trail running before, a 25K in Lake Toba that took me about 3:19 minutes because of the trek. So I was like... "Hmm, I should do better this time."

The flat road was nice, but... handling boredom was tough! Running around and around the same loop as many times as you can was not that easy. 

My sister and my partner were there. Giving me cheers and encouragement and we high five each other whenever I run passed the starting spot. My partner helped me changed clothes on my fifth lap!

Thank to be God, I did 10 laps! Two laps more than the minimum requirement, tho my pace was not my very best. Fighting boredom and telling your body to not give up was hard, but I am glad I did it.

God is good.

Next: Jogjakarta Marathon!

I made to top 10 as the 6th female runner with the most laps covered!

Going Bananas. Literally.

Asics DynaFlyte and compression socks, thank you for being with me for almost a year now.

Feb 9, 2017

How to talk to Little Girls

I stumbled upon a GREAT article How to Talk to Little Girls by Lisa Bloom, which encourages adults to ask little girls about ideas and books, instead of complementing their looks. Ouch. Was I being completely wrong the whole time?

from Pinterest