
Dec 28, 2012

Gingham Crush

Want to rock this style soon:)
Striped shirt and classic white top are still my fave but Gingham is another pattern/style that I think I can follow too.

I am not that much of a trend follower, but I just want to know, what do you think of this 2013 Fashion Trend?
Anything you like?

What I Wore

Dec 26, 2012

1 Kings 20:5

This verse is very soothing for me... My healing process is making me realize how precious our health is and how no matter how strong you think you are, it is always good to know that you are allowed to nestle under God's healing arms whenever you need to.

Thank you God. 

Merry Christmas

Well hello. I just spent Christmas (Eve and Day) at the hospital. Being far from family during the holiday is hard, not to mention having to be hospitalized. Super sad. I am not sharing the detail here, but I just want to say that I am getting better and stronger now. Still have to rest a lot at home, but I have faith that God is healing me through all the treatment and medicine from the doctor.
I hope it is not too far too late for me to wish you a Merry Christmas. God be with you and your family.

ps: This picture below reminds me of my house (which will be ready in just a few months!). Next year Christmas will be a lot more exciting :).


Dec 22, 2012

Mamak dan Ulos Tujung

Hari ini Hari Ibu. Katanya. Mungkin karena kami sedang berjauhan, atau karena jiwa penyair sedang merambah entah kemana, tidak ada sebaitpun atau dua yang biasa bisa saya rangkum, untuk perempuan yang sudah bertaruh nyawa sebanyak lima kali demi kami itu Perempuan yang kami panggil Mamak.
Malam sudah memamerkan wajahnya yang tergelap ketika tiba-tiba, yang justru terlintas dipikiran adalah wajah Mamak tujuh tahun lalu. Saat cinta sejatinya berpulang kembali pada Bapa di surga. Malam ini saya teringat pada sebuah prosesi sekitar tujuh tahun lalu, yang jelas tak akan pernah saya lupa.

Adat Batak, bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah untuk saya pelajari. Terlepas dari koaran saya tentang bangganya saya dengan aliran murni dalam darah ini, betapa saya bersikukuh tak pernah mau mengganti nama akhir saya dengan nama apapun; hati kecil saya mengakui bahwa masih banyak hal peradatan dimana saya terkategorikan minim pengetahuan. Pengalaman? Apalagi.

Mungkin banyak yang sudah mengetahui soal keberadaan kain Ulos dalam budaya Batak. Saya pun, sejak kecil sudah sering melihat rupanya, merabai seratnya, membaui aromanya yang seingat saya adalah campuran dari aroma lemari tua dan kapur barus.

Saya sering mendengar bisik-bisik soal Ulos apa yang harus dibawa ke acara kawinan si ini, dan kenapa ulos tersebut harus berbeda "artinya" dengan yang akan dibawa ke kawinan si anu. Untuk bela sungkawa, lain lagi aturannya.

Tapi, tak pernah saya cari tahu makna dan arti dari setiap ulos yang selalu dilipat rapi oleh Ompung, untuk lalu diselipkan dalam tas pestanya.

Saat para tetua dikeluarga sibuk tawar menawar ulos di pasar Senen pun, saya tak pernah ambil pusing. Yang saya tahu di pasar itu ada warung mie yang enak. Habis jual beli ulos, saya akan merajuk pada Ompung Boru, Mamak atau siapapun untuk bisa diajak makan disana. Habis perkara.

Sampai hari itu, 1 April 2005.

Ulos yang pertama kali saya dengar namanya, adalah Ulos Tujung. Nama yang cantik.
Tapi sayangnya, ia hadir sebagai perlambang kedukaan.

Di hari yang sama itu saya tahu, Ulos Tujung diberikan kepada seorang istri yang ditinggal mati oleh sang suami. Dan sebaliknya.
Hari itu saya jadi mengerti, kenapa bibir Tulang saya (Paman dalam bahasa Batak) bergetar hebat sampai akhirnya pecah dalam tangisan saat ia memasangkan Ulos tersebut dikepala Mamak.

Hari itu, pelajaran soal adat membuat hati saya ngilu.

Mulanya saya pikir, kain suram itu hanyalah sekedar tanda bela sungkawa.

Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, saya tahu ada arti yang lebih dalam lagi dibalik pemasangan kain gelap yang saat itu disampirkan sedemikian rupa diatas kepala Mamak, sehingga mata Mamak yang sarat kedukaan,  hanya bisa melihat ke depan saja.

Ada doa yang disampaikan pada saat ia dipasangkan. Ada harapan yang saat itu dirasa tak mungkin, dibisikkan lewat suara yang sedetik kemudian pecah dalam erangan memilukan.

Ulos Tujung menjadi pengingat, bahwa Mamak, harus tetap memandang ke depan.
Bahwa anak-anak adalah tetap tanggung jawab yang dimana dalam membesarkan mereka, Mamak harus semakin melibatkan Tuhan.

Bahwa segala sesuatu yang saat itu tampak seperti tak mungkin, adalah perkara kecil bagi yang Kuasa.
Ulos Tujung juga mengingatkan akan penghiburan, bahwa kuasa roh kudus akan tetap menjadi obat untuk hati yang berduka, pelipur jiwa yang sering merindu.
Bahwa dengan membiarkan diri Mamak dilingkupi oleh kasih kuasaNya, Mamak akan tetap dapat berjalan.

Dan bukti kebesaran Tuhan nyata hari demi hari.

Bukan cuma soal perut dan masalah tetapnya memiliki atap diatas kepala, Mamak bukan hanya disertai, tetapi dilimpahi berkat yang luar biasa.

Soal kelanjutan sekolah anak-anaknya, yang dulu menjadi tanda tanya besar, tanpa disangka, selesai karena campur tangan Tuhan saja.
Walau sakit sempat berkali mendera, pemulihan Tuhan tidak pernah terlambat datangnya. Mamak bahkan sudah menyandang gelar Ompung dengan kehadiran dua cucu lelakinya yang sehat dan berbahagia.
Bukan karena ulos Tujung, tapi karena kata amin dalam setiap doa.
Tak ada ajian, jimat ataupun sebangsanya. Tetapi karena memang Tuhan besar adanya. 

Mungkin saya masih perlu banyak belajar, mungkin apa yang sudah saya sampaikan hanya seujung kuku dari keseluruhan arti yang diwakilkan ulos Tujung yang sesungguhnya.

Tapi saya tahu, baik Mamak, ataupun kekasihnya yang sudah berpulang, Bapak kami..., tidak akan menyanggah pengertian saya ini.

Dan pada hari Ibu ini, buat saya, itu sudah cukup berarti.

Ulos-Google Images

A Merry Little Christmas

I feel horrible that I did not shower an enough of Festive posts this year. This illness is killing me. 
But I am going to get the best medical treatment soon and be good as new in no time (fingers crossed!).
I hope this one song will be a good touch. James Taylor is one of my fave (yes, Dad introduced me to him).  

ps: From now on, our troubles will be miles away ;')

Dec 20, 2012

Health is the greatest possesion

I am laying on my bed now, day 5. I have been sick and now trying to kill this boredom by blogging. Thinking positive things... I need to get better soon. 

ps: Do you think we often take our health for granted?

Dec 7, 2012

Faux Pas I Made and Liked

How cheeky is this notebook?
Now let me ask, if you have this notebook and you have to fill them in, what do you think the content will be? 
Oh I have plenty and many of them are a bit personal..haha. But here’s a few of my not so scandalous 'faux pas':
  • Picked the wrong major in college. I love journalism and I knew it even when I was 10 years old. But I went for Economy instead. But without it, I would not meet my friends and would miss out on the crazy and fun experience of living in a house I rented with 3 other boys who still are my greatest friends. And that 'faux' did not stop me from doing things I like (and get paid at the same time)
  • Dated and or kissed frogs. That’s what I call a douche with. But, maybe you have to kissed a hundreds of frogs before you get to kiss a prince?
  • I bailed out on Yoga class last year. Though when seeing my friend doing her pretzel pose, I can be very envious, I have to admit that I am enjoying my extra sleeping hours even more.
  • Bought a pair of shoes at the price of USD300. Oh wait, that was not a ‘faux pas’ ;)
ps: Will you tell me yours?

Order here

Dec 5, 2012

Life of Pi

Oh my! I used to be a reluctant when it comes to a book adaptation movie. But, here's a confession, I actually have seen "To Kill a Mockingbird", yes, the black and white movie :)
 So I think it's no harm to watch another one. Especially one that is supposedly an 'unfilmable book' by Yann Martel. 

Let me jot the reasons down:

The director is Ang Lee: Have you not seen the "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"?
A 3D: I love being visually intrigued and entertained.
Tear jerking trailer: Obviously.

Dec 2, 2012

Blue Christmas

You know... I am thinking of no one but you whenever I hear this song. I bought the album a year ago when I was in Singapore for a business trip. Silly enough, I could not wait to hear it so I played them whilst getting ready for a gala dinner that very evening.
The result? Swollen eyes. It took me a half pint of eye shadow to hide them.

I am blaming it to this particular song. It broke my heart at that time, Dad.
And it still does today.

Inspiration Sunday: To be One

I am sure many of us here can easily mention names of inspiring people. Be it in your career, your love story or maybe in other things that may either be big or small in life. It can be about building your dreams, weight loss, or maybe in fighting serious illness. He or she can be a writer, a poet, an astronaut. They can be your parents or even a complete stranger. You may have met them, or follow them on social media (if the word stalking is too harsh), or collect their journals.
But, have you met someone who can look you in the eye and tell you  that you have become their inspiration?
You may look back, shook your head and say "Nah, I did not invent the penicillin, why would someone think of me an an idol or as an inspiring person?".

Think again. 

I learn that we should not limit the meaning of a word. This includes the meaning to 'inspiration'. You may not have published an earth shattering book or produced a box office movie. But the way you face your daily life without complain and your positivity can be contagious and without you noticing, your friend sitting in the next cubicle will with or without her consciousness,  complain less. She may not realize it, but you inspire her. Your determination can affect your spouse, or your team. Your sense of gratitude may influence your child. That shade of your lipstick and blush that lightens up your smile can be a reason for someone to re arrange her make up kit. The way you rock a classic style, or maybe how you carefully select your play list can also be an inspiration.

Recently, I found that someone is starting to write because of me. Well, 2 people actually. One is a dear friend and the other one is a stranger who is a hidden reader (*grind). 
I am inspired by other writers too. And I thank my wander mind because no matter how much I read, I still have this way of phrasing paragraphs in my very own style. And that's just a little thing. I hope I am also an inspiration to my dear siblings and family, or best friends too in other ways.

And there's never going to be a day where I would say "This is enough" to my list of inspiring people. Because I believe, the more you think of many, the bigger chance you can be one to somebody. Thank you sweethearts.

ps: Just a few names of my Inspiring People :)

Dec 1, 2012


Oh there you are, at my very door step. Please come on in.
